
sunday oct 1st 6-9pm topanga beach los angeles

as the seasons tilt here in the northern hemisphere and the energy starts to sink back into the earth, we tend to spend more time sleeping. riel and fino are inspired by this shift to offer this learning, sharing, fireside workshop on the very cusp of this moment. 


is a class about dreams, dreaming, herbs, and learning how to read hosted by riel and fino. we will be sharing some stories around the fire. some topics covered will probably be: the relationship between the imagination and liberation, medieval europen dream theory, ibn arabi, sekito kisen, dreaming as a methodology for knowledge making, how to keep a dream journal/what it’s important/integral to learning how to actually read/redden, how to activate the rainbow body, and many more cool and interesting things PLUS get introduced to the plants friends that will help you with the journeying. 

please join us!

we will be gathering at topanga beach from 6-9pm on sunday october first. there will be a beach side fire and blankets and probably warm tea and cocoa.

riel (cree/métis) is a storyteller, radio host, and writer. likes to cook, tend to plants, and hang out with her dog, mina. also teaches literature and is part of the resurgence iykyk 

fino is a clinical herbalist, educator, and medicine maker living in so called new mexico. they are always looking to bring people together to be with thoughts, ideas, feelings at the intersection of more than human communities, art, play, and healing. Herbalism is a gateway to connection - healing ourselves for all beings & honoring the emotional, spiritual, and physical components of that process. 


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